We know that you care about your pet’s health. Here you will find the answer that many thousands of pet owners have discovered for their pets. It’s a single, once daily, chewable pill made of safe and natural ingredients that can help your pet look and feel young again.
It’s called Petandim(R).

Petandim is not…

A SUPPLEMENT: The ingredients do not replace any usual dietary ingredients that are missing from your pet’s diet.

A VITAMIN: Your pets should get their vitamins from their regular diet or from other supplements that you may buy elsewhere. We don’t offer that here.

A MINERAL: Minerals are an important part of your pet’s diet. You won’t find those here in Petandim. Be sure that your pet’s regular diet contains essential minerals.

Petandim is…

TARGETED NUTRITION: Like the patented collection of ingredients in the human version (Protandim), Petandim is designed to nourish a specific intracellular component that is inside every cell of your pet’s body. When the NRF2 component is properly nourished, it wakes up the inactive pathways that produce natural antioxidants. These include important enzymes like Catalase, Glutathione, and Superoxide Dismutase. When more of these enzymes are present, the amount of new cellular damage from oxidation is significantly reduced. With less new damage occurring, your pet’s body can begin to catch up and make repairs to skin, muscles, bones, and organs. As these repairs are made, your pet will begin to look and act as they did when they were years younger. That is the result that you are looking for – A healthier pet! That is the kind of benefit that keeps thousands of pet owners re-ordering Petandim month after month.

To understand how Petandim works, you must first learn about the original research that created Petandim’s active ingredient, Protandim. This is very important information that everyone should see. Watch the 12 minute YouTube copy of the ABC Primetime Report at:


Testimonials from our Customers

Cat Owners tell us…

Brenda from Florida: The recommended dosage for a small dog was 1 tablet per day. The tablets are easily divided so my small tabby only needed a half tablet. Her fur was mostly grown back before the first bottle was used. I love it!

Maryann from Georgia: I felt certain that I was going to lose my little furball. The vet warned that the surgery may not be enough to save her. I have never seen any wound heal so quickly. The vet agreed to remove the E Collar sooner than originally suggested. Now, only a few weeks later, she is acting good as new.

Delores from Texas: My poor 10 year old “baby” had lost so much weight. I was so worried. In only two weeks after beginning the Petandim, he started to gain weight again. Now he’s playing like a new kitten. I am a very happy customer.

Dog Owners are saying…

James from Virginia: My Jackie is a 12 year old white German Shepherd. She has been limping for over a year. Getting down the back steps was getting harder and harder. I tried all kinds special diets and supplements to ease her pain. Petandim is amazing! I gave her two tablets every day. In just 3 days, I could see that she was feeling better. In 3 weeks, you couldn’t even see her limping. Now, after 3 months, she is running and playing with the younger pups. I am not understanding how it works, but it’s obvious to me that it does.

Benson from Utah: It seemed that our Goldendoodle, Max, was always having red and itchy eyes. We bought eyedrops from the pet supply store but it was difficult to apply. It only seemed to be a temporary solution. An extensive search led us to the health4pets.net website. We thought that it might give us a better solution. It did. We don’t know what was causing the problem, but we do know that it has gone away. In my opinion, Petandim is probably the answer for a lot of health issues. It just works.

Petandim is not sold on this page. It is available in our online store. To help your pet feel better in just a few days, click the link below:


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NOTE: Petandim is labeled “For Dogs”. It has meat flavoring to make it easier to feed to dogs. It works equally well on cats and all other mammals. Since cats are smaller than most dogs, the tablets can be divided for smaller dosing. Also, it can be crushed into a powder and sprinkled on their regular food. If your “pets” are horses, we recommend the human NRF2 activator, Protandim for them. It has a larger dosage and the horses don’t care about the chicken and bacon flavoring in Petandim.

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